TDI Sea State
Proteus Port Aransas to Chaguaramas Passage II
Latitude: 25.62 N Longitude: 91.45 W
Departure: 15-May-2024 09:00
ETA: 28-May-2024 12:00:12
Transit time is 13.1 days at mean speed of 6.37 kts
Remaining distance is 2006 nm

TDI Brooks McCall Gyre Proteus Emma McCall
3rd Party
OCS A-0522 240508 TEEP Suriname Proteus Port Aransas to Chaguaramas Passage II Proteus Port Aransas to Chaguaramas Passage

Vessel Speed
Wave Heights
Regional Passage Forecast
Wave Periods
Regional Passage Forecast
Ocean Winds
Regional Passage Forecast
Surface Currents
Regional Wave Periods
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